Welcome to my static file page! I use this page to store many files which I think are useful for other organists.
You can also access this page by gemini (gemini:) and FTP (ftp:). Feel free to download the entire page via FTP to mirror it in case this page goes offline.
Bach - Musical Offering: Trio Sonata, parts edited for performance
archives/ - Archives of notable organ-related webpages in text form
fiskFansDiscordBot/ - Some organ-related information from my old discord bot, if someone wants to use it
line_audio_omni1_demo/ - Lossless audio demos of the microphones that I use to record organ videos (Line Audio Design OMNI1)
media_kit/ - Pictures and other things of me for you to use (and also so that I don't lose them)
scores/ - My compositions, editions of early music, and photoshopped scans of music in manuscripts
westfield/ - Images and other things for the Austin Organ in First Congregational Church, Westfield, NJ